Thursday, August 23, 2012

Where in the world is....Krystal?

I just looked back and realized I haven't posted anything on my blog in 3 1/2 months!  That's insane, and I actually thought  I should delete the entire blog.  But instead, I will spend a few minutes writing my thoughts.

A lot of change has happened in the past 3 1/2 months.  I have taken 5 graduate courses, changed to a new position, sent a Junior to High School, packed my 2nd grader for school, gone on an incredible vacation, and tried to maintain my sanity. :)  That's more to do in 14 weeks than should be allowed!

Besides all the craziness and change, life is good!  I am really trying to allow God to work HIS will in my life and learn to "go with the flow".  If you know me at all, you know I am a planner and try to plan everything out about everyday of my life.  Not so much any more.  As a counselor, I never know what is coming at me next.  It's been interesting to see how I am changing and learning to be flexible.

We just finished a Bible Study with the ladies at church called "The Best Question Ever" by Andy Stanley.  I highly recommend it!  Last night we learned the best decision ever is to allow God to have control of our lives and follow wherever He leads.  My mind went back to a popular 90's worship song that has resonated in my heart for a week now...

Painter God, I will be Your canvas
Potter God, mold me in Your hands
Author God,  pen me my purpose
I long to be the image of You.

That's my heart's cry!  I want to be the image of my Heavenly Father; I want to be His hands and feet extended to those around me; I want to fulfill my calling so when I look back over my life there will be NO REGRETS.

Father, I'm Yours....

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